Saturday, March 22 2025

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Trevor Noah Slams Police for “Attacking Protesters With No Provocation”

Trevor Noah has spoken about instances of police violence against protesters amid the worldwide demonstrations in the wake of George Floyd’s death.
In his The Daily Show segment, the host shared that many people have compared the recent protests to the civil rights movement. “Much like the 1960s, law enforcement officers have met the calls to end police brutality with even more police brutality,” Noah said.
News coverage followed of cops across the country using military-style tactics to fight off protesters.
“I don’t care who you are. Those images have to be upsetting to watch. Because these images are the antitheses of what America is supposed to stand for,” said Noah of the clips of police attacking Americans. “This is supposed to be the country where you have the freedom to say whatever you want.”
He also addressed the incident in Buffalo, New York, where two cops pushed a 75-year-old man, he fell down and blood was seen by his head on the ground. Fifty-seven other officers then walked past the injured man.
“I don’t care how many times I see that video. I will never get used to it,” said the host. “It’s bad enough that these cops push an old man who’s walking over to them, but the fact that they walk over him, they walk past him while he’s bleeding out on the sidewalk. Like who are you protecting and serving if not that old man?”
And about how the police handled the situation, he said: “Not only did the police department try to cover up what happened, not only did they try to lie about something that we all saw on camera, but once the truth got out and the cops were punished, the entire team resigned to protest those police being held accountable,” recapped Noah. “In fact, they even showed up at the courthouse to cheer them on as they came out. What are you cheering? That Buffalo is finally safe from old men walking around in public?”
The host argued that police officers seem to have the same sense of loyalty as gang members. “Above all, you are loyal to your crew,” he said. “That is a culture that is within every police department, and that’s the heart of this issue. If good police are willing to look the other way or even join in when the bad police abuse their powers, you can make new rules and regulations all you want. But it won’t matter.”
“America’s not going to be able to fix this problem until we have police whose first priority is protecting and serving the people instead of protecting and serving themselves,” Noah concluded.
Watch his clip below:

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