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Woman chops off husband’s manhood for calling another woman’s name during love making


A hugely temperamental and erratic wife has cut off her husband’s penis for allegedly calling out another woman’s name while making love.

The incident happened last week in Baguio City, Philippines.

The couple were said to be having sexual intercourse in their home when the husband allegedly moaned another woman’s name.

His furious 55-year-old wife waited for him to fall asleep before allegedly taking a knife from the kitchen and chopping off his penis.

Police shared images which show the severed tip and part of the shaft lying lifelessly on the mattress, with specks of blood.

It was gathered that neighbours rushed to the screaming man’s aid and took him to the hospital.

A spokesman for the Baguio City Police Station said: ‘Allegedly, the reason was jealousy, because the wife claimed her husband was a womanizer

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